Friday, June 29, 2012


This is the post I was going to put up yesterday - except that I felt too wretched to actually do it.

My body hates me.  We are told that processed food is addictive.  We say this rather glibly, I think.  Oh, yeah, soft drinks are addictive, the companies add stuff to keep you craving more.  I'm not sure how true that is, but I do know that nasty things can happen when you stop eating that stuff. 

Right now (about 48 hours in), I am exhausted, my skin is rough and scratchy, my stomach is screaming, and I have the runs. All because I switched to healthy food. Isn't this stuff supposed to make you feel *better*?!  I know it will pass (in a year, maybe?) but it still is an ordeal.  Beware, my friends.  You are taking a poison that will stalk you should you try to leave it.  Beware.

I still believe it - the stuff about addiction.  But now I'm wondering whether I'm just not made to eat raw tomatoes.  I didn't have any yesterday and today I feel fine.  Time for an experiment.  Meanwhile: Breakfast

Old fashioned oatmeal with a chopped black plum, walnuts and dates

 Hey!  Where'd the dates and oatmeal come from (they weren't in the basket).  Sorry, I forgot.  I already had them in the house. Amazing what one uncovers when one cleans out the fridge .  

I'm also celebrating meeting my fitness goal for the week: five days of at least one hour of exercise each day.  It is time for a break!

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